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A corporation registered under the Nevis Business Corporation Ordinance (NBCO) is the equivalent of what is commonly called an International Business Corporation (IBC). The NBCO allows a corporation to be incorporated for the purpose of conducting any lawful business.

A person interested in incorporating an IBC in Nevis must first engage the services of a Trust and Corporate Service Provider (TCSP) licensed by the Nevis Island Administration and with a registered office in Nevis. The legislation stipulates that the office of the TCSP serves as the registered office of the corporation.

The name of the desired IBC must be submitted to the TCSP, who will then reserve the name using the Nevis Online Registration Portal—the Corporate Registry Integrated Secure System (CRISS)—or by thy TCSP directly contacting the Corporate Registry. Once the name has been reserved, the Nevis IBC can be incorporated by filing Articles of Incorporation with the Registrar of Corporations. If the incorporation documents comply with the NBCO, a Certificate of Incorporation and/or an Endorsement Certificate certifying the incorporation will be issued.

Benefits of Using a Nevis Business Corporation for International Financial Services.

The NBCO permits the use of shareholders, officers, and directors who may be of any nationality and may reside anywhere. Additionally, a Managing Director may be appointed to oversee the corporation’s activities. The Corporate Secretary may be either a corporation or an individual. Corporations may serve as directors, and alternate or substitute directors may also be appointed. All shareholders and directors may act with unanimous consent without holding a meeting and are allowed to issue proxies in writing.

Corporate and accounting records of the Nevis IBC must be readily accessible by the TCSP and the Nevis Financial Services Regulatory Commission (NFSRC) – Nevis Branch upon request. Whenever there is a change in beneficial owners, shareholders, directors, or officers, the change must be reflected in the records held by the TCSP, as outlined in the NBCO and Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing (AML/CFT) Regulations. On-site examinations are conducted by the FSRC – Nevis Branch to ensure that TCSPs comply with these mandated regulations.

The authorized share capital of a Nevis IBC may be denominated in any recognized currency. The identity of beneficial owners and shareholders must be obtained and maintained by the TCSP of the corporation.

Bearer shares for Nevis IBCs are not permitted.

A Nevis IBC may amend its Articles of Incorporation, merge or consolidate with foreign corporations or other Nevis corporations, or file Articles of Dissolution in accordance with the provisions contained in the NBCO.

The NBCO also provides that any corporation may re-domicile into or out of Nevis. Companies that were formed under, re-domiciled to, or continued under the Nevis Limited Liability Company Ordinance can be easily converted into corporations through a simple conversion procedure. Additionally, the Ordinance provides for the emergency transfer of domicile to Nevis of IBCs from other jurisdictions upon approval by the Registrar of Corporations.

Charges in writing that are created or entered into by a Nevis IBC may be registered with the Registrar of Corporations.

Nevis has established itself as a premier destination for asset protection and financial privacy. Its robust legal system is specifically designed to shield assets from lawsuits, creditors, and foreign legal claims. Nevis IBCs benefit from some of the same asset protection features as Nevis Trusts and Limited Liability Companies, making Nevis an ideal jurisdiction for safeguarding wealth.

Nevis enforces some of the world’s strictest laws regarding creditor claims. According to the NBCO: “Every creditor of a corporation, before initiating any legal action or proceedings against that corporation, shall first deposit with the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Finance a bond—determined by the High Court—from a financial institution in Nevis, ensuring the payment of all costs that may become payable by the creditor.” This legal requirement acts as a powerful deterrent against frivolous lawsuits, further reinforcing Nevis’ reputation as a secure jurisdiction for international business and asset protection.

Nevis IBCs which do no business in St Kitts and Nevis are not subject to any local taxes based on assets or income outside of St Kitts and Nevis. Directors of Nevis IBCs are required to file a simplified tax return (CIT-101) each year with the St Kitts and Nevis Inland Revenue Department. This acts as a declaration of tax residence for the IBC based on where effective management and control are exercised.


Registering an IBC in Nevis in 2025 presents a range of compelling advantages, from asset protection and privacy to favorable local tax treatment and simplified administrative requirements. Nevis has earned its status as one of the most reliable and business-friendly jurisdictions for international incorporations, attracting entrepreneurs, investors, and business owners worldwide.

Contact Southpac Group today for expert assistance in successfully registering your Nevis IBC and leveraging the full spectrum of benefits this jurisdiction offers.


Disclaimer: the article above is for information purposes only. It is not intended to constitute legal or tax advice. If you are planning to establish or place assets into an offshore structure, please consult beforehand with legal and tax professionals in your jurisdiction(s) of tax residence.

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